Descargar Gratis Knowledge, Mind & the Given: Reading Wilfrid Sellars's 'Empiricism & the Philosophy of Mind', Including the Complete Text of Sellars's Essay: Reading ... 'Empiricism and the Philosophy of Mind' de Willem A. DeVries PDF [ePub Mobi] Gratis

[Download] Knowledge, Mind & the Given: Reading Wilfrid Sellars's 'Empiricism & the Philosophy of Mind', Including the Complete Text of Sellars's Essay: Reading ... 'Empiricism and the Philosophy of Mind' de Willem A. DeVries libros ebooks, Knowledge, Mind & the Given: Reading Wilfrid Sellars's 'Empiricism & the Philosophy of Mind', Including the Complete Text of Sellars's Essay: Reading ... 'Empiricism and the Philosophy of Mind' espanol pdf

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Knowledge, Mind & the Given: Reading Wilfrid Sellars's 'Empiricism & the Philosophy of Mind', Including the Complete Text of Sellars's Essay: Reading ... 'Empiricism and the Philosophy of Mind' de Willem A. DeVries

Descripci贸n - Cr铆ticas 'This book serves three purposes, and it serves them very well. First, it patiently, accurately and comprehensively supplies the necessary information about the historical and contemporaneous ideas, views, problems and theories which constitute the conceptual setting for Sellars's theses and argumentation. Second, it provides a careful and lucid section-by-section interpretative explanation of Sellars's own principal views and claims and, crucially, undertakes to support them. And third, it offers its readers the beginnings of an engaged critical discussion of Sellars's critique of givenness and epistemological foundationalism. What is particularly impressive about this work is its marvelous clarity... a highly polished, accessible text...' -- Jay F Rosenberg, Taylor Grandy Professor of Philosophy, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. Knowledge, Mind, and the Given serves three purposes, and it serves them very well. First, it patiently, accurately and comprehensively supplies the necessary information about the historical and contemporaneous ideas, views, problems and theories which constitute the conceptual setting for Sellars's theses and argumentation. Second, it provides a careful and lucid section-by-section interpretive explanation of Sellars's own principal views and claims and, crucially, undertakes to support them. And third, it offers its readers the beginnings of an engaged critical discussion of Sellars's critique of givenness and epistemological foundationalism. What is particularly impressive about this work is its marvelous clarity. . . a highly polished, accessible text. . . --Jay F. Rosenberg, Taylor Grandy Professor of Philosophy, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill Sellars' s argument in EPM is enormously rich, subtle, and compelling. It is also, for the uninitiated, extraordinarily dense. Willem deVries and Timm Triplett's comprehensive commentary Knowledge, Mind, and the Given provides a much needed guide. Beginning with a general overview to introduce some main themes and difficulties, deVries and Triplett take the reader step by step through the sixteen parts of the essay, providing at each stage necessary background, illuminating connections, and insightful clarifications of the main lines of argument. . . . deVries and Triplett have written a fine introduction to Sellars's most important work. --Danielle Macbeth, The Philosophical Review Rese帽a del editor 'Sellars' s argument in EPM is enormously rich, subtle, and compelling. It is also, for the uninitiated, extraordinarily dense. Willem deVries and Timm Triplett's comprehensive commentary Knowledge, Mind, and the Given provides a much needed guide. Beginning with a general overview to introduce some main themes and difficulties, deVries and Triplett take the reader step by step through the sixteen parts of the essay, providing at each stage necessary background, illuminating connections, and insightful clarifications of the main lines of argument. . . . deVries and Triplett have written a fine introduction to Sellars's most important work.' --Danielle Macbeth, The Philosophical Review Biograf铆a del autor Willem A. deVries is Professor of Philosophy, University of New Hampshire. Timm Triplett is Associate Professor of Philosophy, University of New Hampshire.

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Detalles del Libro

  • Name: Knowledge, Mind & the Given: Reading Wilfrid Sellars's 'Empiricism & the Philosophy of Mind', Including the Complete Text of Sellars's Essay: Reading ... 'Empiricism and the Philosophy of Mind'
  • Autor: Willem A. DeVries
  • Categoria: Libros,Libros universitarios y de estudios superiores,Humanidades
  • Tama帽o del archivo: 15 MB
  • Tipos de archivo: PDF Document
  • Idioma: Espa帽ol
  • Archivos de estado: AVAILABLE

Gratis Knowledge, Mind & the Given: Reading Wilfrid Sellars's 'Empiricism & the Philosophy of Mind', Including the Complete Text of Sellars's Essay: Reading ... 'Empiricism and the Philosophy of Mind' de Willem A. DeVries PDF [ePub Mobi] Gratis

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